Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Pregnancy From an Affair…an “Affairytale” With A Very Dark Side

Children really are a blessing. No matter where they came from, each one is precious and deserves the best start in life that they can get.

I honestly don’t see how someone could disagree with this. After all, no child ever asked to be born or chose the circumstances of their conception. They simply got carried along for the ride. They prosper or suffer at the whims of their parents. This is why I don’t understand why someone having an affair isn’t extremely cautious when it comes to using birth control.

Look, it’s bad enough to be sleeping with someone other than your spouse when you are married, or to be sleeping with a married person. To not use protection is inexcusable. Unless someone lives under a rock ( or has zero internet access), I’m pretty sure they know where “babies come from”, so they should know how to prevent a pregnancy from happening  that could lead a to a child been thrown in the middle of a nasty situation.

When I hear of an other woman lamenting the fact that she got pregnant, part of me really does wonder if it’s a “mistake’ made on purpose. After all, what better way to convince a married man who shows no signs of leaving his wife to do than being pregnant with his child?

In what possible way could this be considered a good idea?

If anything, it’s a terrible one. It’s likely to just tick the man off, as he will feel trapped. Mind you, he should have kept it in his pants, but by this time that horse has already left the barn and it’s too late to close the gate. he’s going to feel trapped, manipulated ( see above) and his back will go up. Meanwhile, the pregnant other woman will be left feeling even worse than she was before. Even having his baby isn’t enough for him!

When the new little one arrives, instead of having two happy and loving parents waiting, he or she will be born into conflict. While mom most likely loves him or her to death, there is dad, his wife and his family to consider. How will they handle it? Will the new dad rich to his other woman's side, or will it be a tense and anger filled relationship, on par with the most contentious of divorces?

A situation like this calls for the highest levels of maturity, which is something neither the married man or the other woman have been showing a lot of. In the end, the one who will suffer the most is the child.
Helo evryone!

I've been away for a while, but thanks to some prodding from a friend, I tought it was high time to check in and get the blog up and runninga agian.

For anyone who has followed me this far, my life is going well. My husband and I just celebrated our 21st anniversary, and two of our kids are starting university this fall. We have been doing some traveling, and have been lucky enough to visit places in Florida ad the Dominican republic and even got to spend two weeks in Belize!

I know hat many of you might be wondering how our marriage is going post affair.  Can a marriage ruly recover?

I can only say that ours has. Sure, there are times when the going has been tough, but just as in most areas of life, the things that are most worth having often require the most effort...but in the end, they are worth it.

Now for a bit of housekeeping. I'm going to try and write a new post daily, and if you are interested is writing a guest post, feel free to let me know. I'm interested in hearing a  range of opinions and experiences, so feel free to speak up! I also welcome any questions, comments you might have.

Again, thanks for stopping by and I hope you decide to stick around for while. Life can, and does, get better even after an affair!