Friday, 22 August 2014

An update on my life…

I know when I started this blog that I said I’d be posting about my own experiences, but when I read back through my previous posts, I found that most of them dealt with infidelity in sort of a general way.
this post will let you know how one couple who reconciled is doing four years after the affair.
It’s pretty much exactly four years to the day that I first found out about my husband’s affair.  Looking back, we have come a really long way.
There were days that i didn’t think we’d make it, days when I almost gave up and days when I kind of wondered what the point of reconciling was. It wasn’t an easy go for us, but we worked had and found our way back to each other.
There are days when Is till think about the affair, but it no longer hurts every time I do. I’ve gotten to a place where I can see how we took a really negative situation and used it as an incentive to become even closer than we were before.
Someone once told me that if a married couple can survive something like that and still stay together, they will likely have a very strong relationship. That is true for us.
In the rest of our lives, our kids are doing well. Our oldest is in high school and is a prolific writer. She’s even had several of her books published.  Our “middle kid” is, as always,a happy soul who is always trying to find new ways to bring a smile to my face. Our  youngest is still ” my little guy” and as sweet and smart as ever.
We had hoped to stay here for another year, but no such luck. We’re moving to a whole new city, and bying our first home :) . It’s exciting but also pretty nerve wracking.
I’m still freelancing, and have picked up quite a bit more work, which I enjoy quite a bit. I might never see my name in print, but I know the work I’ve put into what i write and I’m happy to do it.
Overall, life is great. There are the usual ups and downs, but other than the high price of gas, i don’t think I’d chnage a thing :)

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