Friday, 22 August 2014

Look into the future…

Considering cheating on your spouse? Are you already doing so? Here are some thoughts for you to ponder…
” Imagine you are older, your kids are grown and adults. You have a couple of grand kids who are a real joy in your life…everything seems good…
One day, your married daughter call you in tears. She just found out her husband is cheating. It’s like a punch in the gut to you.
You have never heard her so sad. you want to hug her, hold her like you did when she was a little girl and take her pain away, but you can’t. You want to strangle her jerk of a husband, but you can’t. You worry about your grand kids…how is this affecting them?
You talk to your daughter, and it rips your heart out to hear her in such pain. You never knew someone could hurt so much…and there’s nothing you can really do to help.
You are furious…how could anyone do this to your little girl and your grand kids…
How would you feel? Would you think it was okay? Would you accept any excuses? Would it chnage anything to know that her husband hadn’t planned to cheat-it just sort of happened, that he “loved her but wasn’t ‘ in love’ with her”, that he felt bad, that he hadn’t meant to hurt anyone, that he wanted to experience some sexual variety, that he was bored or any one of the excuses so often heard?
I’m guessing that hearing any one of them wouldn’t matter, and may just make it worse…
Would it be okay if someone hurt your daughter and grand kids like this…would you accept it?
If your answer to that is “no”, then why is it okay for you to do this to own your spouse and children?

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