Friday, 22 August 2014

Own your own choices…

When a discussion turns to the topic of why a person chose to get involved in an affair, all too often they try to blame their choice on someone, anyone, other than themselves. It’s as if they don’t want to take any responsibility for their actions.
I get why that would be hard to do. For all that some may view an affair as simply a different choice of relationship, the truth is, it’s one that is based on lies, deceit and hurting someone else. There’s no getting around that fact, no matter how unpleasant it may be.
Of course, there’s a million excuses for infidelity, ranging from the ” well, maybe I could understand that…I still think it’s wrong, but I understand how it could happen” to “reasons” that are incredibly cruel and some that are downright silly.
Do any of them lessen the pain for a betrayed spouse? Probably not. Do any of them negate the make the action okay? Once again, in all likelihood, the answer is “no”.
This is not to say that the “reasons” aren’t important or that they shouldn’t be examined, but ultimately, the real cause of an affair is that at least one ( and most often two) people made the choice to be in one. Blaming that on anyone else is a futile endeavor.

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