Friday, 29 August 2014

Social Media and Infidelity…Do They Go Hand in Hand?


The recent advent of social media has made it easier for many people to get involved in an affair.  According to one report, more than half of people who were cheating on their spouses used some form of social media such as texting, online chatting, or other social media websites to do so at some point during the affair.
It can start out innocently enough when old boyfriends/girlfriends or even just old friends reunite online. A platonic relationship gets started, and often before either party realizes what’s happening, they’ve gone too far.
Even spouses who are open with their online accounts are not immune.
Of course, this does not mean that you should be suspicious of all social media contact, but there are some clues that something could be wrong. Some examples of this include:
- turning off the ring tone on a cell phone so that a spouse won’t be aware of an incoming call or text
- your husband or wife feeling a sudden need to lock  phone, laptops, tablets, etc.and use and hide the passwords from you
- your spouse taking the phone into the bathroom or somewhere else private to make or receive calls, emails or texts
- your spouse suddenly spending large amounts of time online or on the phone
- your husband /wife overreacting if you attempt to answer an incoming call or text on their phone
- your spouse having a meltdown if you even hint that they may be spending too much time online
If any of these “warning signs” happen, it’s time to discuss your concerns.
Here are a few tips to help prevent an affair form starting online:
- don’t become too emotionally connected to someone online.
- don’t allow a blurring of the line between the online world and the real world
-don’t keep secrets from your spouse. if you feel a need to keep a relationship secret, that is a serious danger signal.
-have strong boundaries. know when a  friendship is crossing the line, and step back as soon as it even comes close.
-don’t become so enmeshed in the online world that you lose touch with the real world.
-if you are having a problem with your spouse, let them know and not someone online.
While social media is not an inherently bad thing, and it can not “make” someone cheat, if a person has poor boundaries to start with, it can be very easy for them to use it to cheat.



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