Friday, 22 August 2014

Everything I need to know in life I learned from my spouses affair….

Remember those posters that were so popular a few years ago that went something like” everything I needed to know in life I learned in kindergarten”? There was a list of the things you learned and you were supposed to see how those still apply to your life?
As depressing as it may be, the same could be said for what you learn when your spouse has an affair. here are some things I learned. Please feel free to comment with some things of your own…
- life is full of surprises, not all of them good ones
- don’t ignore your “inner voice”…if it;s telling you something is wring, listen to it
- if you are unhappy, speak up. don’t keep your feelings bottled up because you don’t want to rock the boat
- negatives feelings, left on their own, will fester and slowly poison you. let them out and face them
- you are worth more than being someone’s second choice. if you can’t be someone’s first choice, don’t be a choice at all
-patience is definitely a virtue…to an extent.
-being kind and gentle to the person you love can go a long way towards promoting good feelings between the two of you
- your children are smarter than you think…remember that they see and hear many things that you might not want them to. don;t take it for granted that they don’t know what’s going on
-there is no shame in admitting you need help to get through the hard times in your life
-if you’ve always been there for everyone else when they needed you, then let be there for you when you need them
- no matter how bad today might be, it isn’t a prediction for the rest of your life- if you decide to get back some control, you can have your life the way you want it to be
- as sad as it may be, not every couple is right for each other…sometimes, you just can’t stay together
- most people are pretty decent, good and kind. Sadly, some are not, and those are the ones you have to watch out for. They will walk all over you to get what they want- this is true in all parts of your life.
- Take time to look after yourself. Go for a walk, smell the flowers ( roses, lilacs, lily of the valley all remind me of when I was little and they grew in my mom’s garden…I still love those smells), rela somewhere quiet
- the internet has many positives, but it has negatives too. log off, go out and get some sunshine on your face…it feels great
- you are stronger than you might think, and you can get through pretty much anything
- most importantly, remember life is a beautiful thing…get out and enjoy yours

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