Friday, 22 August 2014


I’m sorry I haven’t written any posts for a few days now. We’ve been away looking at houses , and I’m writing this one from our hotel room in the city we will be moving to.
It’s late, and everyone else is asleep ( I guess I should be too-lol) but I had a few minutes of quiet and thought I’d take advantage of it by writing a new post for the blog.
We looked at a lot of houses and finally settled on one that we both like.  It’s got a ton of gardens all around it, which I love( I like the rest of the house too) . It occurred to me while we were looking that there was a time when I thought that we would never, ever be doing something like this…I didn’t think that we’d even still be together. I was hoping for the best but planning for the worst.
Maybe that’s what we all tend to do when we are confronted with the fact that our spouse has cheated. It can be so hard to see anything past the immediate hurt and anger…but the reality is very different.
The way things are and the way a betrayed spouse feels at that particular point in time are not the way they will always be or feel.They will get better. No matter what happens, life will go on and you will smile again…don’t lose sight of that.
(wish us luck on buying our new house…the closing is soon, and so far, everything  looks very positive )

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