Sunday, 24 August 2014

When the Bomb Drops...

I think a person will always remember the day they found out for sure that their spouse was cheating….

I knew something was up. He’d been spending more and more time online chatting with a girl from work. He told me they were “just friends”, and I believed him. I think that, on some level, I knew something was off, but I didn’t know what.

At first, he’d spend a few minutes chatting with her on Facebook, and I was welcome to see it. Before long, that changed. The chat sessions got longer and longer and he’d hide them from me. Soon, he’d snap at me if I even  mentioned how much time he spent chatting. He started going to bed after I did ( all of a sudden he was no longer tired late at night) so he could chat with her more and more without me or our kids around.

One night, I couldn’t sleep, and I stayed up late surfing on Facebook. Lo and behold who should pop up but her with a friend request and an invitation to chat. She seemed friendly enough, so I started chatting. She asked all kinds of questions about me, my husband, our kids and our marriage. I thought that was a little weird, but put it out of my mind. ( more on why she did that in future posts).

One night, I’d finally had enough, and I asked him to stop chatting with her. He was ticked off but with an embarrassed look on his face, he told me he would, but that he wanted to take her out for coffee to explain to her why he couldn’t chat anymore.

He came home and he was really angry and curt.

A few days later he got an emergency message from her that she needed help and could he come over. He asked me about it, and then he left “for a few minutes”…five hours later, he came home and “dropped the bomb”…

I got the infamous ” i love you but I’m not in love with you” and then he left to go stay with her.
It was the most horrible time in my life. I literally thought my heart would stop….

That was a long time ago, but it feels like it was only yesterday

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